About the Journal

Nama Jurnal : Investi : Jurnal Investasi Islam
ISSN (P) : 2686-5637
ISSN (E) : 2807-9051
Akreditasi :  OJS

Investi: Journal of Islamic Investment is a scientific journal in the field of economic and Bank which is published regularly twice a year. This journal was published by departmen Syariah Economy and Syariah Banking at the Syariah Economy and Syariah Banking Faculty of the Islamic Institute Al-Khairat Pamekasan. Manuscripts published in the form of scientific papers relating to:

  1. Scientific research in the field of economy, banking and non-bank money rent.
  2. Problem Solving, conceptual and methodological fields related to economy, banking and non-bank money rent.
  3. Syariah economy and syariah bank.
  4. Tax, Fiscal policy and micro economy
  5. Study of theories about economy and money rent.